Lina Della Rocca

Lina Della Rocca

Actress, pedagogue and Artistic Director

Founding member of The Bridge Of Winds since 1989
Born in 1954, Lina is an actress, pedagogue and artistic director. 
She began her artistic career with a seminar held by Ryszard Cieślak, the main actor of Jerzy Grotowski’s Teatr Laboratorium. 
Together with Renzo Filippetti, Lina is a founder of Teatro Ridotto (1983), and has been one of its artistic directors. She also works there as an actress and manager of pedagogical and international projects. In June 1996, together with the other members of The Bridge of Winds, Lina worked as a pedagogue during the session of The University of Eurasian Theatre, directed by Eugenio Barba. Currently, she tours regularly with several shows for adults and children, together with workshops, work demonstrations, and seminars for amateurs, professionals, children, and adults, both in Italy and abroad. 
Lina is the founder and director of the Filo Dei Venti project, launched at Teatro Ridotto in 2002. The project’s artistic affiliation is with The Bridge of Winds and its task is to transmit the group’s thirty years of experience and theatrical knowledge. Since 2012, a Brazilian section of the Filo Dei Venti project has had regular meetings in Rio de Janeiro, Caxias do Sul, Recife, São Paulo, Campinas, Porto Alegre, Blumenau, and Jaraguà do Sul.
Lina’s daugther, Giada Filippetti, was born into the group in 1993.

Lina Della Rocca



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